Our Governance
Internal Governance
GADA has a seven-member Board of Directors, three technical committees of which the Chairpersons are board members and three operational offices. The three technical committees are those of Management, Programs and Research, while the offices are located in Lagos, Calabar and Abuja. The Management Committee is headed by the Executive Director who is also a member of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors meets twice yearly to review the performance of the organization, address issues of funding, determine whether programms are consistent with the organization’s mission, and assess the work of Committees.
Committees seek the endorsement of the Board to operate but, this is secured through an annual strategic meeting where programs are presented discussed and adopted. Other matters for decision-making go through Committees. The Lagos office is the advocacy and publication arm of the organization. The GADA Centre for Training and Development Activities (CeTDA) in Calabar undertakes training and community projects. And also, the organization’s Research and Policy influencing office is in Abuja. Finally Port Harcourt office has a strong focus on the livelihoods and securities of the people of the Niger Delta. GADA is a non-membership organization and has a total of 30 full and part time employees and volunteers. Most of GADA’s work is done in association with other groups in civil society.
To participate in the emergence of effective Coalitions that transverse different issues, geographic locations and interests.
To support the building of a National institutional frameworks linked to popular aspirations and negotiate appropriate intervention for change.
To identify ways to enhance the working of state funded institutions both in terms of their accountability and effectiveness.
To assist the development mechanisms of civil society organizations (CSO) and equip them to act as positive agents of change.
GADA is committed to the safety and protection of all women and girls and seeks to work with our target group in a manner that avoids inadvertent harm or exposure.
Our “Do No Harm” commitment:
We take into consideration the welfare of women and children to enable the best outcome, ensuring adequate measures are taken to achieve security, comfort, permission, and confidentiality, as appropriate
We intend to take proactive measures by responding quickly and effectively whenever harm and abuse are identified and to proceed with due sensitivity when discussing issues which may be linked to trauma and personal risk
More broadly, our commitment applies to all individuals and partners who we work with whether employed, contracted or those invited to participate in any of our events.